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Khaya nyasica (Red mahogany)


A large, evergreen shade tree perfect for parks and gardens. The wood is dark, hard, reddish brown and durable, suitable for furniture, flooring, panelling, and excellent for boat building, moderately heavy (air dry 620 kg/m 3), with an attractive grain. The wood weathers well and is resistant to borers and termites. Harvesting begins within 16 years. Popular as a source of firewood and charcoal. Charcoal made from red mahogany wood has a long burning time with a gentle and steady heat. Red mahogany is perfect for using in integrated farming systems for crop production. Leaves and twig litter decomposition improve soil fertility and organic matter status of the soils that lead to an improvement in crop yield output. Fast growing up to 1.5m per year.


Suitable to grow in most soil types, also tolerant of swampy soils. The deep taproot system helps the tree withstand drought and flooding. Insecticides like Emamectin benzoate, Azadirachtin, Dimethoate, or a combination of these should be applied as foliar sprays every 2 weeks from August to November and again from February to April for the control of shoot borers. Root system is not aggressive, plant 1.5 m from bluidings and sidewalks
Indigenous to Zambia and eastern, central, and southern Africa

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1m, 1.5m