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Morinda citrifolia (Noni fruit)


Evergreen tree with large, glossy leaves. Fruit is firm and fleshy, light green when unripe, soft, yellowish-white with a fetid odour when ripe; flavour is earthy, cheesy, wasabi-like, with a tinge of sourness. Noni roots, stem, bark, leaves, flowers, and fruit are used in traditional medicine. Fruit juice is high in potassium, contains vitamin C, vitamin A, and other compounds that may repair damaged cells and activate the immune system.



Full sun, tolerates a wide range of soils, prefers well-draining soil. medium water needs, drought-tolerant. Best grown from seed but germination takes 6–12 months or more. Trees from cuttings are weaker, prone to splitting/breakage in early fruit production, and have lower disease resistance. Our trees are seed-grown, strong, healthy, and will produce fruit within 1 year of planting.