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Verbascum thapsus (Woolly Mullein) Seed


Biennial with a deep tap root which helps improve soil structure by breaking up compacted layers, attract bees and butterflies, leaves and flowers are used as a tea to treat respiratory conditions, cough, whooping cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, colds, flu, swine flu, fever, allergies, tonsillitis, fight viral infections, helps with sleep and relaxation, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and more, oil is extracted from the flower and used as a remedy for earaches, eczema, and some other skin disorders, leaves known as “cowboy toilet paper”



Seeds will sprout in 10 to 15 days. Full sun, average water needs, quite drought tolerant, will grow in any soil but prefers dry sandy soil, does well in poor soils, produces a low rosette of large, fuzzy, silvery leaves, in the second year plants can grow to more than 2 m with tall flower stalks
200 seeds per packet