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Palm Farm Nursery

Work less, Garden more

Why Plant Trees?

Trees add shade, privacy, color, and value to your property. Some trees enrich the soil by adding nitrogen, while others absorb carbon dioxide and potentially harmful gases from the air and release oxygen. Trees also contribute to boosting biodiversity as they become a food source and natural habitat for wildlife like birds, squirrels, bees, and more. For smaller city gardens, make sure to choose trees with a non-invasive root system.

Grow With Patience

Growing and maintaining a tree requires patience. Tree growth is relatively slow in the beginning. After planting your tree in the ground, the root system will grow and establish until it is much wider than the tree itself. It is only then, in the second or even third year, that your tree will start to grow much faster.



Plant Trees Now and Save!

Take advantage of the recent good rains! Palm Farm is excited to offer a 20% discount on all garden trees featured on this page. This special offer is our way of helping you make the most of the rainy season.

Let’s work together to create a greener, more beautiful Zambia. Don’t miss this chance to plant more trees today!

Acacia/Vachellia xanthophloea (Fever Tree)

Attractive, semi-deciduous, tall, fast-growing, distinctive, smooth lime-green branches and stem, bark is slightly flaking, powdery surface
Full sun, Partial shade, Average water to moist, Deep, fertile, sandy soil, 10 – 15 metres tall, Evergreen if watered through winter, Fast growing, Non-aggressive roots, plant 1.5 m from bluidings and sidewalks. Improves soil fertility by nitrogen fixation

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256

Callistemon citrinus (Crimson bottlebrush)

An elegant, arching evergreen tree, displays brilliant, crimson red, bottlebrush-like flowers during spring, summer and autumn, attract nectar-loving birds, butterflies and bees, excellent fresh cut foliage for bouquets.
Full sun, moist, fertile, well-drained soils but drought tolerant once established, very tolerant of pruning, can be trained as a large multiple-trunked shrub or a single trunk small tree

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144

Cassia spectabilis (Crown of Gold)

Spectacular ornamental tree for gardens and parks, Street and driveway liner, Spectacular in flower during autumn and early winter
Full sun, Average water, drought tolerant, Any soil,8 to 10 m high, Deciduous, Average to fast growing speed, Root system is not aggressive

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256
2.5 m tree K550 NOW K440
3 m tree K900 NOW K720

Ceiba speciosa (Pink Kapok Tree)

This tree is a standout! Spectacular when in full bloom, yields large fuchsia to near burgundy, Hibiscus-like flowers, fast growing, eventually develops a large rounded crown and grey bottle-shaped trunk, usually covered in large thorns but some trees may be thornless, attracts hummingbirds and bees
Full sun, any well-drained soil, average water, moderately drought resistant once well-established, needs lots of space to spread, both above ground and below ground, large root system, not suitable to plant close to sidewalks and foundations, can grow 16 m tall

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256
2.5 m tree K550 NOW K440
3 m tree K900 NOW K720

Delonix regia (Flamboyant Tree)

Semi-deciduous or evergreen if watered through dry season, Striking red flowers in spring, wide spreading crown provides dappled shade
Full sun, Average water, drought tolerant, Any soil, 6 – 9 metres tall, Semi-deciduous, Fast growing, Extensive and far-reaching root system

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256
2.5 m tree K550 NOW K440

Dombeya rotundifolia (Wild pear tree)

Semi-deciduous, spectacular show of white flowers in spring, perfect for small city gardens, excellent avenue tree, various medicinal uses
Full sun, deep loose compost-rich soil, water adequately for the first 2 years, it is not related to pear trees but the flowers resemble pear blossoms, non-aggressive root system

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144

Ficus abutilifolia (Large leaf fig)

Spectacular tree for very large gardens and parks, beautiful, large, hairy, heart-shaped leaves, spreading crown, pale trunk with flaky bark
Full sun, Average water, drought tolerant, Any soil, 10 – 15 metres tall, Deciduous, Fast growing, Extensive root system, Attracts large number of birds during fruiting season, Vigorous and aggressive root system, National monument in Kabwe

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256

Ficus benjamina (Weeping Fig)

Popular landscape tree for parks and large gardens, gracefully arching branches, dense crown, excellent indoor container plant
Full sun, tolerant of low light conditions, Average water, Any loose soil, 20 – 30 metres tall, Evergreen, Fast growing, Vigorous and aggressive root system

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256
2.5 m tree K550 NOW K440
3 m tree K900 NOW K720

Ficus benjamina Variegata (Variegated Weeping Fig)

Popular landscape tree for parks and large gardens, gracefully arching branches, dense crown, excellent indoor container plant
Full sun, tolerant of low light conditions, Average water, Any loose soil, 20 – 30 metres tall, Evergreen, Fast growing, Vigorous and aggressive root system

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256
2.5 m tree K550 NOW K440
3 m tree K900 NOW K720

Ficus burkei (Strangler Fig)

Dark green spreading crown, fast-growing, evergreen or briefly deciduous, attracts masses of fruit-eating birds when in full fruiting
Full sun to shade, Average water, drought tolerant, keep moist while young, Any soil, 15 to 18 m tall, Evergreen in wetter habitats, briefly deciduous in drier climates, Fast growing, Massive root system, not suitable as a street tree or near buildings, The strangler fig is not a parasite

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256

Ficus sycomorus (Sycamore Fig/Mukuyu Tree)

Beautiful yellow-green bark, Fruit attracts a host of birds species, Wild animals and livestock eat the fruits and leaves, Very useful tree,  improves infiltration rate and water-holding capacity of the soil
Full sun, Average water, drought tolerant, Any soil, 15 to 20 metres tall, Deciduous, Fast growing, Massive root system, not suitable as a street tree or near buildings

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256

Grevillea robusta (Silver oak)

Evergreen, a very successful Australian tree planted and widely used in Africa, attractive shape, foliage, and abundant flowering make it a popular choice for private and public gardens, moderate to fast-growing, a decorative stunner with beautiful dense, silvery fern-like foliage, a versatile tree with many uses. Wood is used for lumber, fuel, poles, and rafters. Trees over 30 years old are said to have the best wood. Timber is hard and has an attractive grain – the red-brown color and silky surface like that of the true oak. Often planted as shade for tea and coffee plantations. Leaves can be used as a soil mulch and as bedding in livestock stalls. Flowers produce nectar that attracts bees and sunbirds. Used as a windbreak, used for soil conservation, control erosion around river and stream banks, and to reclaim old pasture land. Leaves are an important dry-season fodder in Africa although not top-quality. Produce good quality cut foliage stems. Coppicing is done at 18 months to encourage vigorous new growth from the base, which is typically more productive for cut foliage. Regrows well after complete defoliation following pruning and pollarding, which can be carried out repeatedly to yield cut foliage stems. Relatively deep-rooted with dense, fine roots called proteoid roots, which helps the plant thrive in nutrient-deprived soils and thus may compete less with crop roots. Roots might be minimally invasive when very old. Plant 3 m from building and sidewalks. Well-drained, fertile, slightly acidic to neutral pH soils. Can grow up to 20 meters tall.

1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256
2.5 m tree K550 NOW K440

Jacaranda mimosifolia (Jacaranda Tree)

Deciduous, striking, ornamental tree, Beautiful purple-blue flowers during Spring and Early Summer, large, spreading crown
Full sun, Average water, drought tolerant, Any soil, 10 – 15 metres tall, Deciduous, Fast growing, Extensive root system

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256
2.5 m tree K550 NOW K440
3 m tree K900 NOW K720

Khaya nyasica (Red mahogany)

A large, fairly fast-growing, evergreen tree, The wood is dark, hard, reddish brown and durable, suitable for furniture, flooring, panelling, and excellent for boat building, moderately heavy (air dry 620 kg/m 3), with an attractive grain. Harvesting begins within 16 years. Popular as a source of firewood and charcoal. Charcoal made from red mahogany wood has a long burning time with a gentle and steady heat. Red mahogany is perfect for using in integrated farming systems for crop production. Leaves and twig litter decomposition improve soil fertility and organic matter status of the soils that lead to an improvement in crop yield output.
Suitable to grow in most soil types, also tolerant of swampy soils. The wood weathers well and is resistant to borers and termites.

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144

Kigelia africana (Sausage Tree)

Large deciduous tree, spreading canopy, stunning large maroon-red flowers, variety of medicinal uses for livestock as well as humans
Full sun, any well-draining soil, moderate watering, 10 to 18 m tall,  deciduous,  choose plant position with care as falling fruit can severely damage anything underneath it

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144

Libidibia ferrea (Leopard Tree)

Previously known as Caesalpinia ferrea. Large, semi-deciduous tree, fast-growing, gorgeous dappled bark patterns, stunning focal point in garden designs, attracts birds and beneficial insects, may be used as street tree on wide side walks, semi-aggressive root system, best suited for larger gardens or parks, plant 4 meters from buildings and sidewalks
Full sun, fertile, well-drained soil, moderate watering, drought-tolerant once established, grows 15 to 20 m tall, can be pruned to a size suitable for suburban streets

1 m tree K150  NOW K120
1.5 m tree K280 NOW K224
2 m tree K460 NOW K368

Black Mulberry tree

Very easy to grow, fruit is very nutritious with many medicinal properties and can be eaten fresh out of hand or to make jams, pies, tarts, puddings,  Silvopasture, Leaves are highly palatable and digestible, an excellent protein-rich fodder for livestock and can be used as supplements replacing concentrates for dairy cattle, it  increase milk production of lactating goats, cows, sheep and rabbits, and improve livestock productivity.
Full sun, will thrive in degraded soils but prefers compost-rich, well-drained soil, very drought tolerant, fast growing, resistant to all major pest and diseases.

1 m tree K100  NOW K80

White Mulberry tree

Very easy to grow, fruit is very nutritious with many medicinal properties and can be eaten fresh out of hand or to make jams, pies, tarts, puddings,  Silvopasture, Leaves are highly palatable and digestible, an excellent protein-rich fodder for livestock and can be used as supplements replacing concentrates for dairy cattle, it  increase milk production of lactating goats, cows, sheep and rabbits, and improve livestock productivity.
Full sun, will thrive in degraded soils but prefers compost-rich, well-drained soil, very drought tolerant, fast growing, resistant to all major pest and diseases.

1 m tree K100  NOW K80

Neem tree

Medium to large sized, fast-growing, evergreen tree, fairly dense, roundish crown, valued as a medicinal plant, as a source of organic pesticides, and for its timber, Oil from the seed is used to make a wide variety of products such as soap, toothpaste, lotions and insecticides. Non-invasive root system, plant 2 m from buildings and sidewalks
Full sun, moderate water, drought and heat tolerant, any soil, poor soil tolerant, a vigorous grower and easy, low maintenace tree, may gorw 16 to 20 m tall

1 m tree K100  NOW K80

Ochroma pyramidale (Balsa Tree)

A large, extremely fast-growing tree, Balsa wood is the softest of all the hardwood, and super lightweight, one of the lightest varieties of wood available, but remarkably strong, it is considered the strongest wood for its weight in the world, used in model-building, packing, flotation devices, insulation lining for incubators, refrigerators and cold storage rooms, wind turbine blades, table tennis rackets, hobby and craft projects, toys, doll houses, doll furniture, carving and whittling. Balsa wood is lighter than cork and thus ideal for life preservers and lifebelts, wooden crankbaits for fishing, especially Rapala lures and floats for fishing nets and lines. Excellent for making biochar has great water holding capacity. Harvest in 8 to 9 years.
Balsa is a pioneer species that thrives on abandoned land, recommended for the recovery of degraded areas and soil improvements. Fast leaf turnover increases the soil organic matter content. The flowers provide abundant food for bats, birds and several insects. The seed fibre is used as stuffing for mattresses and cushions. In aeronautic modelling, Balsa Wood is very much in demand as it is a perfect wood that can easily withstand crash landings and does not cause any major damage. Valued as a component of full-sized light wooden airplanes.

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144

Olea europaea ssp africana (African olive)

Neatly shaped evergreen tree, moderate growing speed, grey-green foliage, fruits are popular with people, monkeys, baboons, bush pigs, warthogs and birds, stabilize erosion ditches, roots are only slightly aggressive, plant 3 m from buildings and sidewalks
Full sun, Average water, drought tolerant, Any soil, 8 to 10 m high

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256
2.5 m tree K550 NOW K440
3 m tree K900 NOW K720

Spathodea campanulata (African Tulip Tree)

Popular ornamental tree for large gardens and parks, beautiful orange-red tulip-like flowers in spring and summer, very long flowering period
Full sun, Average water, Rich well-drained soil, 15 to 20 m high, Evergreen if watered through winter, Fast growing, Potentially destructive roots, plant 5 m from buildings and sideswalks

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256

Terminalia mantaly (Umbrella Tree)

Beautiful crown with layers of branches, very popular tree for city gardens, sidewalks, parking areas, Evergreen if watered during winter and dry season
Full sun, Average water, drought tolerant, Well-drained, medium to light soil, 10 m tall, Evergreen if watered through winter and dry season, Average to fast growing, Non invasive root system, plant 2 m from buildings and sidewalks

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144

Trichilia emetica (Musikili tree/Natal Mahogany)

Dense shade tree used in large gardens and parks, also a popular street liner, Makes a terrific indoor plant if placed near bright light, oil extracted from the seeds is used in cosmetics for skin moisturizers and as a body ointment. It is also used in soap and candle making, as wood oil, and for medicinal purposes.
Full sun to Partial shade, Average water, Compost-rich, well-drained soil, 20 to 25 m tall, Evergreen, Moderate growing speed, Non-invasive roots, plant 2 m from buildings and sidewalks, popular wood for woodcarving in eastern and southern Africa

1 m tree K100  NOW K80
1.5 m tree K180 NOW K144
2 m tree K320 NOW K256
2.5 m tree K550 NOW K440